Saturday, September 6, 2008

Made it out ALIVE!!!! Part II

So today on our way to the Sports Center, my bro and I were involved in an accident. The motorela we were on collided with another motorela. Fortunately, we didn't get hurt. The other passengers in our rela weren't hurt too except for this one lady who was hit by the other rela (which flipped over but the driver was fine). She had a cut on her back and she felt a little faint. So my bro and I decided to go with her to the hospital. We stayed with her until she met up with a nurse friend of hers who was working there. We never got to play basketball. lol

In my previous post I wrote about how slipping on the ramp was probably the "impending doom" thing I was worrying about. Turns out, that wasn't it. What happened tonight was far more dangerous and scary. My knees were pretty much shaking when I got off the motorela. Man, freaky but thank God we didn't suffer any serious injuries. What happened tonight is one of those moments that remind me how much I actually love my life. hehe... =)


T22Gaming said...

Ah! pagka!!! Rela nlng nagCollide pa!!! May GANI DILI KAMO!!!!

Y man nilagpot ang babae??? nka HALF SEAT ra sya nohh????

vienne said...

amo rela nga gisakyan ug another rela ang nag bangga.. per daghan man mi so wala mi nagflip.. pero katong isa ka rela nga amo naka bangga, natumba coz wala may sakay. .. then katong girl, murag na.igo gamay sa ktong rela nga na tumba so nasamad iya likod. wala xa nilagpot ui.. hehehhe.. :))

T22Gaming said...

aw... hahaha damay ra diay!!!