Thursday, September 4, 2008

Congratulate me...

I'm up early today. Wheee!! It's only 6:59 am. First time I've been up this early in a month (or maybe since we got our internet connection back). XD Anyway, I think I'm going to school early today too even though my first class for the day is at noon. I need to go early for two reasons. First, I think Dominic needs to borrow my laptop for his English report. The other reason, however, shall remain a ... ummm.. secret? No, actually it's not a secret I just don't feel like writing about it.

Right, moving on. Last night I reflected on some of the things that happened during the day. One of those things happened after our Philosophy class. I was on my way out and there was this hankie on the floor. I didn't know whose it was. It was just lying there. I did ask the people around who's it was (or rather I had this look on my face that seemed to ask whose hanky it was. I didn't really ask. I sorta whispered the question...) but then they just looked at me funny or like they didn't really care. Anyway, the point is, I didn't pick it up and put it on the table or somewhere. That was supposed to be the right thing to do. I mean, how hard is to pick it up and put it on the table so that in case the person who lost it ever decides to look for it, it'll be easy to find. But no, I didn't pick it up. Instead, I sort of just stared at it. Watched it get blown by the wind a few cm away from me and then I stepped over it and walked away. o.O WTF? Maybe I was just over thinking last night but it sort of didn't feel right. The teacher for the next class was there too and she was looking at me with a look on her face that seemed like she was testing me. lol. "Are you gonna pick it up or you not gonna?". lol. o.O

But yea, the thing is last night I realized that there are still a lot of things I need to improve with myself. I mean a whole lot of things. A LOT. I thought I could do the little good things in life. I mean, I already taught myself to throw my plates in the bin after I get done eating in the canteen (although sometimes I do forget but not on purpose). Stuff like that. The little things. Everything starts with the little things. The big thing is made up of the little thing. Without the little things there won't be any big things, right? Change has to come from the inside and then work its way out. Then it has to start with something small and then move on to bigger things. Maybe that's an example of the gradation thing that my Philo teacher was talking about yesterday. Hmmm...

Anyhow, yes, gotta remind myself of the little things. Hope everything goes well today. Ayt, gonna go change now. Will update when I get back tonight.


T22Gaming said...

the mysterious hankie.... I saw one hankie too... scary.. wonder if it's the same hankie...

vienne said...

it was a red hankie i think. A608 ghapon imo room? =)kung same room ka then bcn same hankie to imo orrrr.. the wind blew it all the way to where you were.. o.O .. possibilities.. =)