Thursday, September 4, 2008

Impending Doom...

I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. It's not like I want to die tonight or anything, it's just that I sort of want to skip tomorrow. For some reason, I feel a sense impending doom. o.O Vat is dis? I don't like this feeling. I want to hit the fast forward button as soon as I wake up tomorrow morning. If only it were that easy....


T22Gaming said...

you need the "Click" remote control..

vienne said...

yes, I was thinking about that movie when I was writing this. I think nkahilak ko ato nga movie sa ending.. hehehe..

T22Gaming said...

da! nka tilaw lagi sya na ma fast forward iyang life... hahaha.. palabi ra kaau to oi...

cguro, avoid nlng ka ana na event.. absent? hehehe dba..