Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hu U?

You know what sucks? It's when you send a long text message to your friends just because you miss them and you just want to remind them that you love them (emo I know but whatever..) etc etc and then one of them replies with "Cno to?" or in english: "who are you?" O___o

It's kinda funny and kinda painful at the same time... First reaction is: "hahaha" followed by "F***! Ouch.." T__T

I don't feel like sending "emo" text messages anymore. When will I ever learn my lesson? .. haha..

PS. So nagrep na ako friend. Sorry daw. She was using another phone. It's ok.. apology accepted... but why the crap does it still bug me?? O__O


T22Gaming said...

hahaha chill.. hehhee.. danika ni noh??? hahahha

vienne said...

dli ui.. hahaha.. =D